Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

I hope you are having a beautiful Memorial Day weekend.

I had actually forgotten, Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. Memorial Day is the day to remember those that have lost their lives in the line of service for our country. But it has grown into so many things through the years. The picnic or cookout to celebrate the beginning of summer, the opening of the swimming pools (especially in the northern midwest states), the big race of the year (when I lived in Indianapolis), and a day to remember our loved ones that have passed on.

When I was a child we would visit the grandparents on Memorial Day weekend. I remember the poppy sales (artificial poppies to pin on), and I just read that originally they were made by disabled veterans.

It is a quiet weekend here. I have been mowing and digging in dirt. The girls are happy grazing. Amazing how much some of the babies have grown. Just like human children, you do not notice their growth so much when you see them every day. But take a picture, or put them next to a younger kid, and wow, you see it!

I have been a little lost for words lately, writer's cramp? It happens!


crowson2000 said...

here we still have decoration day. it is when everyone goes to the graveyard and puts flowers on the graves of loved ones. it was last weekend. i thought it was kind of a southern thing, but maybe down here the two holidays just separated. they always do decoration day on a sunday so people do it after church mainly...

Mary Humphrey said...

It seems it is always my elders that call Memorial Day by the name Decoration Day. Interesting, Jason. I hope other friends step in and comment. I want to hear the traditions in their areas!

BT said...

I love your goats. On Jack's birthday (14th May, Jack was 4) we visited a zoo and they had some tiny goats, pygmy goats? I fell in love with them and want one. And an alpaca!! Or two....

Anonymous said...

I am smitten with your spotted goat in the picture!!
I found your blog today through Goats in the Garden....hopefully in the near future I'll have some goats' milk of my own...I'd like to try my hand at making some lovely soaps too!